~ku ingin cinta~

Diari Hati Ini..

Today before you think of saying an unkind word,Think of someone who can't speak,And while you are at it give love to someone today; Before you complain about the taste of your food,Think of someone who has nothing to eat; Before you complain about your husband or wife,Think of someone who's crying out to God for a companion; Today before you complain about life,Think of someone who went too early to heaven; Before you complain about your children,Think of someone who desires children but they're barren; Before you argue about your dirty house,someone didn't clean or sweep,Think of the people who are living in the streets; Before whining about the distance you drive,Think of someone who walks the same distance with their feet; And when you are tired and complain about your job,Think of the unemployed,the disabled and those who wished they had your job; But before you think of pointing the finger or condemning another,Remember that not one of us are without sin and we all answer to one maker..

..Napa anda STRESS??..

Kenapa Anda Stress?

#Diri sendiri (contoh: Anda kecewa, anda tidak dapat apa yang anda mahu)
#Keluarga anda (contoh: Masalah dengan suami/isteri dan anak, pindah rumah, masalah kewangan)
#Pekerjaan anda (contoh: Anda tidak dapat menyiapkan kerja, anda tidak cemerlang dalam kerja, ketua anda tidak berpuas hati dengan kerja anda, anda tidak dinaikan pangkat, tukar kerja, dibuang kerja)
#Komuniti anda (contoh: Jiran dan komuniti tidak ramah)

Bila Anda Rasa Stress.....

-Jantung berdegup kencang dan sukar bernafas
-Anda cepat marah
-Anda rasa tidak gembira
-Anda kehilangan selera makan
-Anda hilang minat bekerja
-Anda tidak cukup tidur
-Anda menengking-nengking
-Anda ingin membaling sesuatu
-Anda cuba menjauhkan diri

Kuasai kemahiran menyelesaikan masalah cara IDEAL

I(Identify the problems)-Kenal pasti masalah
D(Describe possible actions)-Jelaskan pilihan yang boleh diambil
E(Evaluate consequences of each actions)-Buat penilaian bagi setiap pilihan
A(Act)-Bertindak - pilih satu cara untuk bertindak
L(Learn)-Belajar dari pengalaman sama ada hasilnya berjaya atau tidak

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~Sebarkan Ukhwah Dengan Teguran Anda~